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What I write

If you were wondering, I do actually write stories of my own, and even I have a hard time keeping track of them. But I can describe the few that I remember.

Violets is a lot like Little Women, but not. Julia (Yes she is named after me) loses her sister and the rest of her sisters flee to Europe. Julia goes to NYC and meets Leo, a good friend who helps her get over her grief. It was slightly hard to write this because I didn't want it to be a mirror of Little Women.

Another one of my stories is Girl of the Woods. This is about a girl's tribe who are captured into slavery, while she escapes into the woods until it's safe to go back and save them.

1940s Story is literally about the 1940s, and I didn't have any other creative names for it. It is about a mom who runs away from her husband with her children, and her oldest daughter brings change to the local public school.

I probably have a lot more stories than that, but that's all for today. Bye for now!

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