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This Whole COVID-19 thing

Well. Since we are all home now, we all have plenty of time on our hands. So I am going to explain all of this from my point of view.

Everything is canceled, including my school and karate. For school, we have to do 'online learning' which basically means three more hours on the computer, using Zoom and being ignored by teachers. Well, I know that they can't really do much to help that, but still, my older sister has more fun doing math with my mom, (who is homeschooling her since her school has not done anything to help teach,) than me doing literature, which is my favorite class. For karate, I watch online videos and do the forms in my kitchen. My sister's ballet is also canceled, so she watches a professional ballerina's videos to keep up. And the saddest thing might be that our library is closed. But thankfully we made a giant load-up before it closed, but now I'm killing for myself not grabbing Stargirl.

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to stay safe!

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