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The Little House books and my visits to the sites

Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder is a true series about the young Laura Ingalls as she moves around the country in a covered wagon in the 1860s and 70s. I will be describing the books and my experiences of visiting the sites.

Little House in the Big Woods is the first book. It is actually the only site I have not visited. When you start reading it, it may seem a little boring, but I highly encourage you to keep reading - it's worth it.

Farmer Boy technically comes next but I'll tell you a secret - it's really not worth reading. So I will tell you about the Little House on the Prairie. I have gone to this site, and though it was hot, it was fun to see the well that Pa made in real life. this isn't as good as the first one but it is still worth reading.

On the Banks of Plum Creek is my mom's favorite. It certainly is an exciting step up from the last two, and it was fun to visit. I got to look at the creek and see the site where the dugout house had collapsed. no one knows where the large house went, but we got to go up on to the prairie and look at all the flowers which had been repeated to look like it was when Laura lived there.

By the Shores of Silver Lake tells about Laura and her family's life when Pa takes up a job as a railroad layer. Ma had put her foot down, saying this was the last time they should move, and P a stayed true to his promise. Though we can't see the shanty they stayed in, we got to go to the Surveyor House, the house where Laura stayed for the winter one year.

The Long Winter is about one of the worst snowstorms in South Dakota history. This took place in De Smet, and her future husband, Almanzo Wilder, saved the town by getting grain from a nearby farmer.

Little Town on the Prairie also took place in De Smet. I got to go into the town and see the house that Ma, Pa, and Mary lived in after Laura had married. The book is very good, though, and one of my favorite in the series.

These Happy Golden Years is about Laura dating and marrying Almanzo. It really doesn't have much development except for Laura falling in love with a dude 10 years older than her, so if you're not the romance type, sorry.

The last book was not actually supposed to be published, but was just written by Laura after Almano's death (I think). It is called The First 4 Years, it is definitely does not have the same spark that her other stories do. But if you really liked the other books, you should read it.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

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