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My thoughts on Grammarly

Grammarly is a spell-checking tool which can be helpful and annoying at the same time. Here is why.

It really is a helpful tool for incorrect spelling. It also catches mistakes that the regular spell-check tool doesn't catch. It also has an app where you can copy and paste to doubly-check it there. Another helpful part is that it sends you a weekly email telling you your stats and how many words you checked that week.

But there is an annoying side to it. If you look at your BETA settings, it may be that whenever you double click something, Grammarly gives you a definition. It also catches 'mistakes' for a, an, or the. My final complaint is about the fact that they never end with the premium ads. My spam inbox is always filled with emails from premium, telling me about 'LAST CHANCE 50% OFF!!!'

But those are just my thoughts - what are yours?

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